Although we all prepared for work, nearly nobody is preparing for this longer retirement time. If you are not preparing, it may easily become a tragedy. I want it to be a joy for you, the best part of your life.
Milan Schwarzkopf is a full-fledged participant in his own Third Act of life and loving it! He spent his working years as a Senior Project Manager on complex global projects, so planning is his business. Milan has learned the secret to having an exciting and meaningful retirement is more than just financial security. He looked at his own life and redesigned it to reflect the ideal life of his desires, his own Third Act. This discovery is too important to not share with you. So, Milan has created a simple, step-by-step plan that you can do, too.
For the first time in history, your retirement will be 20-30 years, and if you are healthy, even more. Although we all prepared for work, nearly nobody is preparing for this longer retirement time. If you are not preparing, it may easily become a tragedy. I want it to be a joy for you, the best part of your life. I believe everyone deserves a healthy, happy, rich, and fulfilled retirement.
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To schedule a one-to-one call time with me, or if you have some questions, or you would like me to speak at your next event, email me here: